
THC LTD's Third war begin's: smacktards incomming!

Recently we have been war decced by Neoteric War Syndicate[PVPER], whats more? Its that this war is headed up by Zigzagel, an ex THCer... I am ashamed to of ever had this guy in THC, he's a smacktard who seems to think that ganking newbs in a celestis with a Stealth bomber buddy makes him powerful. He hasn't even bought a fight yet, We flew up to there home base to see what were up against all they did was smack us in local. We told them to come to placid, were not gonna deal with the logistics of 25 jumps just for a war.

So far, no losses no kills, and you can keep up with the progress of the war here: http://thclt.griefwatch.net/?p=campaigns&campaign=1895

In other news I am 5 days, yes 5 days from a vulture. I can't wait.


Navy Caracal! woot

Traditionally, I've disliked the Caracal's looks, its thin and twig like but I just gotta navy caracal so I guess my standards have dropped, then again it only cost me 20 mil in total(spare mins and lp ftw)

Shes an OK ship, I guess, I'm not a big cruiser fan though, there just not my type I guess, give me a Battle cruiser any day so I'm debating selling her and using the money to buy my Vulture which is 12 days away. It would also allow me to stay around 200 mil which would be very nice since, I hate going under pillars of isk that I reach. Then again I suppose you have to spend money to make money. Perhaps if I sell the navy caracal I'll throw 10 million into shares or something. The thing is, its bloody faction I love faction ships. :p

Also recently Ive haven't been playing much except for the odd mission or two, just kinda bored with stuff atm. Did buy a stabber but only taken her out once because as stated above, I don't get on with cruisers, give me a battle cruiser any day of the week.