
The long train to get sentinel ready for level 4s

I know to some that doing half pvp, half PvE is bad, that all noobs who do this should quit EvE and give them their stuff, but I like missions, even if I do pvp sometimes, there my profit, they allow me to play in low sec. I'm not that hard-core, using a Drake at the moment in level 3s, which works even though I only have 300k in missiles, yes i'm a Caldari with technically more SP in fecking drones the missiles... I should be ashamed. Alas, level 3s are not that profitable, a few mill a day the way I play thats it, I'm gonna have to get to level 4's soon. Unfortunatly, the ideal ship for level 4s is an UGLY PIECE OF SH*T. The Raven is what fat disgusting chicks wouldn't get aroused by, and frankly I may be Caldari but I wouldn't be caught dead in that ship... Not to mention every carebear and his pirating alt flys one. So... I will have to get my Rokh setup for level 4s. This is a daunting task....

Technically it is setup, but I'm trying to get more skills setup so I can actually kill stuff in missions with it, I need t2 drones to take care of frigs, t2 shield boost amps, perhapse a t2 x-large shield booster, and I may make a run for t2 shield hardeners, though dread guristas non multi-specs are pretty cheap, so I may buy a set of those instead. I also need cap skills, more sp into shield skills and the like. I'm estimating at least a month to get what I need setup, probably more. To my few readers, feel free to Contact me ingame to discuss fitting and tranining up my Rokh up to level 4s. My ingame name is Rilder and I don't have any alts. I'm not a pussy.

In out of game news, I managed to get my hands on IL-2 Sturmovik... if your into combat flight sims, this game is the freaking awesome, and I love it! Not enough to quit Eve but still quite fun.

1 comment:

Kirith Kodachi said...

I run level fours in a Rokh with decent success. My setup:

8 x 350 mm Prototype gauss

1 x Invul Field II
1 x Tracking Computer II
3 x Large Shield Extender II
1 x Racial Hardner / resist amp

3 x Mag Stab II
2 x PDS II

Rigs: CCC, Semi-conductor Memory Cell, Anti-Em Screen reinforcer

Drones: 5 x Vespa IIs

I love this ship.