
Rawr Vengy, and war \o/

Well THC LTD had our first war about a week ago, won easily, the peeps who deced us just couldn't put up any sort of fight, we even were at there pos but there little alliance whores protected them and we didn't want to fight a 269 man alliance with only 10 at peak times.... :P ATM the war is over but were thinking of decing back to take the fight to them but tbh there to easy I'd rather we have a more challenging target...

Khanid mk2 btw \o/ fitted a vengeance out and am ejoying quite well, its fast, good cap and sexy, what more could you ask? Well maybe a chick in the passanger seat but eh.

Its named Thunderous btw, good name, can't wait to take her out on a pvp run or something.


Khanid MK2 Coming...

So apparently our favorite hybrid Caldari/Amarr ships are getting a buff soon, and frankly I have no idea if its good or bad but EVE-Tribune reports all green and there quite trustworthy so Imma go with them and hope everythings good... As such Ive put 40 mil on the line on this information. I bought 4 Amarr T2 Frigates of the Khanid variety. Not that much isk to those of you with like 50 Bil isk but Eh.

I'm Stillll working on my Rokh to get it level 4 ready, cap skills atm.