Yes it is a great feeling to see two faction ships in your hanger, it makes you feel powerfull, like you've acomplished something in EvE, that all those missions or mining or even trading and pvp has been worth somthing and not just wasted time. Yes it truely makes you feel like you can acomplish anything, at least to me. A faction ship is something that not everybody has, except maybe a navy raven.
My new ships...
... A faction cruiser, the Cynabal, a kick ass Angel cartel ship with bonus' to Rate of fire, tracking and damage of projectile turrets, and a nice solid speed equal to most frigates, truely influenced by the Minmatar, though unfortunatly it requires training shit I dont want to. Yep up to gallente (GRRRR) cruisers, but it was my first faction ship so who cares. The minmatar skill training was on the books anyways since in all honesty except for EWAR Caldari ships generally suck at PvP, besides HAVE YOU SEEN HOW AWESOME THE HURRICANE LOOKS.. gods that thing is about one quarter sex, as for the Cynabal's looks its good enough to me, smooth sleek, elegent and a ship that looks like a pirates ship.
... As for my second faction ship, this ship has been a dream of mine since I first saw it, though with the LP store it will prolly get used alot more, it still has an importance to me, no not a Raven navy issue, gods I hate ravens, so ugly, nope not even a Navy Caracal which is almost as bad as a Raven's look. A Caldari Navy Hookbill, if you've seen me forum posts recently you'd see that I've already begun flaunting me faction e-peen around a bit via my sig. Yes this is my little baby frigate, my little way of saying, "For the State." Besides it's to me, the best damn looking frigate in the game, though the Amarr Navy Slicer and the Daredevil follow closely behind.
In other news I saw my first POS siege, lead by no other then my second corps CEO... it was 1 dread with a handfull of other ships, it was a cool battle but meh, it was buggy as hell also, the guns didnt stop even after the control tower went pop, though I did lose my CEO's Blackbird due to me accidently warping to a station... I mean bloody hell will I ever learn?!?!?!?!??!? Seriously I hold so much respect for actual pirates simply cause they can deal with those fecking sentry guns, well I'mma start fitting minmy ships for pvp anyways in the following weeks, I got a rifter waiting so good luck to me. I seem to be a bad luck charm for pvp in my corp, whenever we do pvp with me in a gang we either can't find anything or I get splattered across the window of a station cause of sentry guns.
Anyways, Fly safe
Rilder, OUT.
(BTW Credit to curzon Dax for my post title)
FORWARD MARCH! Onto the Test Server.
Today Tranquility is going down for Revelations 2, a patch that is damn awesome in my humble opinion, the BC/Command ship nerf sucks but frankly, my drake build is pretty much the exact same as it was pre-nerf and has the same shields and recharge... so I dont know if they actually did nerf it.
Since I didn't have anything else to do I decided to do something ive never done before and copied my EvE folder and loaded up the test server, and what can I say... AWESOME, 100 isk ships and modules... just plain ol' friendly pvp duels, and I get to see ships Ive never seen before: Capital ships... BEAUTIFUL! The Chimera just as sexy as I immagined, Pheonix even more so, I even fit out a crow and hit the capital ship area just for laughs and I survived quite a long time, the only way any capital ship could kill me was if it had light scout drones on me, not even Heavy attack drones could scratch me, and the Fighters they look bloody awesome
I also met CCP Oveur ingame, and yes they are humans... although he did sorta look like the terminator, but a Terrminator who given the chance would pose for playgirl....
Rilder, Out.
2 new ships, Going to gunz and a bit of mining.
I like mining, not to the point were I'd do it as a full time profession but its just something calm to do during breaks and what not, I for the longest time despised getting a barge better then my trusty Procurer, for the simple fact that the other barges were ugly, rediculously ugly... but unfotunatly this isn't exactly a big help when your mining in .5 or so and a belt rat basicly sends you running home to get your ratter ship... well I decided to just get it over with and fly a stupid ship thats uglier then hell. I spose your wondering, "WTF YOU STUPID NOOB" but to me looks are very important in a ship, its a game my life isn't hanging on the line if I don't fly the best ship... besides as my bio states, its my 15/mo so screw you. So Now I have a Retriever, I hate it but oh well.
Another ship I broke down and bought is a Rokh, a one of my favorite ships in the entire game, of course being a Drake Pilot and caldari, all my skills are nearly in missiles... I had to fix this, so for the next week or 2 i'm throwing all my SP in Gunnery skills so I can actually hit the broad side of a titan with my Rokh... costing a bit to fit also.. down to 85 mil from 200 mill or so and I don't even have good insurence, ah well. not like I spend alot of money on modules anyways.
I've also recently aquired a 1 run Ferox BPC, I love the ferox alot also and now that i'm going to guns I though about fitting a Railox out, maybe for pvp or sumthin I dunno, frankly my corporation is getting to much into the "Pirating" side of the game and its pissed me off, especially when our leader spoke of Low-Sec mission-runner ganking, something I am against, I don't care if there in our system, if you can't fight fair go do level 1s in a titan, stop being a little Sh1t and ganking people who can't defend themselves, morons.
Another ship I broke down and bought is a Rokh, a one of my favorite ships in the entire game, of course being a Drake Pilot and caldari, all my skills are nearly in missiles... I had to fix this, so for the next week or 2 i'm throwing all my SP in Gunnery skills so I can actually hit the broad side of a titan with my Rokh... costing a bit to fit also.. down to 85 mil from 200 mill or so and I don't even have good insurence, ah well. not like I spend alot of money on modules anyways.
I've also recently aquired a 1 run Ferox BPC, I love the ferox alot also and now that i'm going to guns I though about fitting a Railox out, maybe for pvp or sumthin I dunno, frankly my corporation is getting to much into the "Pirating" side of the game and its pissed me off, especially when our leader spoke of Low-Sec mission-runner ganking, something I am against, I don't care if there in our system, if you can't fight fair go do level 1s in a titan, stop being a little Sh1t and ganking people who can't defend themselves, morons.
Empty, Empty Empty, and a Retrofitting
After getting modules hauled down to our low-sec system and getting a corp-m8s Black-bird we went patrolling of our systems in search of prey, simple he'd go ahead while I trailed behind ready to throw out E-war while his Hyperion blastered the enemies to death but our plans were interupted by one thing... nothing, empty, nada, our systems were empty, all of them, except one but it was full of friends, people in ships not worth a sec loss and a Carrier, Archon to be exact, not exactly a Black-bird and Hyperion wanna be poking at. We did see an Itty heading off to his POS, but the Hyperion was like .1 of a second to late from locking it. :( a itty full of POS supplies would be a very nice haul in but eh, we'll get'm back when we get a dread or 2 around.
Flying on patrol.
In other news I've finally got 5 in engineering, and with that some extra powegrid, and a retro-fit for my Drake, she now sports 3 Large shield Extender 2s and a Shield Recharger 2, bringer her to around 100 shield per second. Almost equal to a battleships active tank. =D
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